Weave Net

Using Weave with Systemd

Having installed Weave Net as per Installing Weave, you might find it convenient to configure the init daemon to start Weave on boot. Most recent Linux distribution releases ship with systemd. The information below provides you with some initial guidance on getting a Weave Net service configured on a systemd-based OS.

Weave Net Service Unit and Configuration

A regular service unit definition for Weave Net is shown below. This file is normally placed in /etc/systemd/system/weave.service.

Description=Weave Network
ExecStartPre=/usr/local/bin/weave launch --no-restart $PEERS
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker attach weave
ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/weave stop

To specify the addresses or names of other Weave hosts to join the network, create the /etc/sysconfig/weave environment file using the following format:


You can also use the weave connect command to add participating hosts dynamically.

Additionally, if you want to enable encryption specify a password using WEAVE_PASSWORD="wfvAwt7sj" in the /etc/sysconfig/weave environment file, and it will get picked up by Weave Net on launch. Recommendations for choosing a suitably strong password can be found here.

You can now launch Weave Net using

sudo systemctl start weave

To ensure Weave Net launches after reboot, run:

sudo systemctl enable weave

For more information on systemd, please refer to the documentation supplied with your distribution of Linux.

SELinux Tweaks

If your OS has SELinux enabled and you want to run Weave Net as a systemd unit, then follow the instructions below. These instructions apply to CentOS and RHEL as of 7.0. On Fedora 21, there is no need to do this.

Once weave is installed in /usr/local/bin, set its execution context with the commands shown below. You will need to have the policycoreutils-python package installed.

sudo semanage fcontext -a -t unconfined_exec_t -f f /usr/local/bin/weave
sudo restorecon /usr/local/bin/weave

See Also