Weave Net

Re-introducing Weave Net

Weave Net was the first product created by Weaveworks. It was and still is a popular choice for container networking, especially as a CNI add-on for Kubernetes.

Weave Net is now a community-supported project, run out of the forked GitHub repository rajch/weave.

Using Weave with Kubernetes

If you are here for the most popular use of Weave Net - the famous one-line installation on Kubernetes, look no further.

You can install Weave Net on a Kubernetes cluster using:

kubectl apply -f https://reweave.azurewebsites.net/k8s/v1.29/net.yaml

where the v1.29 part can be replaced with any Kubernetes version, the minimum being v1.8.

If you prefer the older method using kubectl version, that works too:

KUBEVER=$(kubectl version | base64 | tr -d '\n')
kubectl apply -f https://reweave.azurewebsites.net/k8s/net?k8s-version=$KUBEVER

Finally, you can directly apply the manifest from our releases page:

kubectl apply -f https://github.com/rajch/weave/releases/latest/download/weave-daemonset-k8s-1.11.yaml

More details, and options can be found on the Integrating Kubernetes via the Addon page.

Using Weave as a (legacy) Docker Plugin

See Installing Weave Net, and then Launching Weave Net.

Using Weave as a Docker Managed (V2) Plugin in Swarm Mode

See Integrating Docker via the Network Plugin (V2).

Note: From version 2.8.6 onwards, the Docker V2 plugin is available for amd64, arm, arm64 , ppc64le and s390x architectures. Prior to this, it was only available for amd64.

All other uses, and more

For all other uses, proceed to the Weave Net overview.

Documentation Status

This documentation is currently a work in progress. All content from the old Weaveworks site has been brought over, and is in the process of getting updated with all the changes made in this community-run fork. Please bear with us until it is complete.