Weave Net

Integrating Kubernetes and Mesos via the CNI Plugin

The recommended way of using Weave with Kubernetes is via the new Kubernetes Addon. The instructions below remain valid however, and are still the recommended method for integrating with Mesos.

CNI, the Container Network Interface, is a proposed standard for configuring network interfaces for Linux application containers. CNI is supported by Kubernetes, Apache Mesos and others.

Installing the Weave Net CNI plugin

If your machine has the directories normally used to host CNI plugins, then the Weave Net CNI plugin is installed when you run weave setup.

To create those directories, run (as root):

mkdir -p /opt/cni/bin
mkdir -p /etc/cni/net.d

Then run:

weave setup

Weave net depends on the portmap standard CNI plugin to support hostport functionality. Please ensure that portmap CNI plugin is installed in /opt/cni/bin directory.

Launching Weave Net

To create a network that spans multiple hosts, the Weave peers must be connected to each other.
This is accomplished by specifying the other hosts during weave launch or via weave connect.

See Creating Peer Connections Between Hosts for a discussion on peer connections.

weave launch <peer hosts>

Using the CNI network configuration file

All CNI plugins are configured by a JSON file in the directory /etc/cni/net.d/. weave setup installs a minimal configuration file named 10-weave.conflist, which you can alter to suit your needs.

See the CNI Spec for details on the format and contents of this file.

By default, the Weave CNI plugin adds a default route out via an IP address on the Weave bridge, so your containers can access resources on the internet. If you do not want this, add a section to the config file that specifies no routes:

"ipam": {
    "routes": [ ]

The following other fields in the spec are supported:

Using the Weave Net CNI plugin

Configuring Kubernetes to use the CNI Plugin

After you’ve launched Weave and peered your hosts, you can configure Kubernetes to use Weave, by adding the following options to the kubelet command:

--network-plugin=cni --network-plugin-dir=/etc/cni/net.d

See the kubelet documentation for more details.

Now, whenever Kubernetes starts a pod, it will be attached to the Weave network.

Configuring Mesos to use the CNI plugin

To use the CNI plugin, the Mesos Agent must be started with reference to the CNI configuration and binary directories:

sudo mesos-slave

To start a container that is connected to the Weave network via CNI, use the name specified in the configuration file. This example starts a alpine container running a nc server listening on port 1080 with the mesos-execute command. From the Master, run:

nohup sudo mesos-execute --command="ifconfig; nc -k -l 1080" --docker_image=alpine --master=localhost:5050 --name=example --networks=weave --resources=cpus:0.1 --shell </dev/null >test.log 2>&1 &

After this task has started, it is possible to obtain the ip address of the container and ping it from any of other agents (which are also connected to the weave network)”

nc -z -v <IP FROM LOGS> 1080

For more information, see the Mesos documentation.
