Weave Net

How Weave Finds Containers

The weaveDNS service running on every host acts as the nameserver for containers on that host. It learns about hostnames for local containers from the proxy and from the weave attach command.

If a hostname is in the .weave.local domain, then weaveDNS records the association of that name with the container’s Weave Net IP address(es) in its in-memory database, and then broadcasts the association to other Weave Net peers in the cluster.

When weaveDNS is queried for a name in the .weave.local domain, it looks up the hostname in its memory database and responds with the IPs of all containers for that hostname across the entire cluster.

When weaveDNS is queried for a name in a domain other than .weave.local, it queries the host’s configured nameserver, which is the standard behaviour for Docker containers.

Specifying a Different Docker Bridge Device

So that containers can connect to a stable and always routable IP address, weaveDNS listens on port 53 to the Docker bridge device, which is assumed to be docker0. Some configurations may use a different Docker bridge device. To supply a different bridge device, use the environment variable DOCKER_BRIDGE, e.g.,

$ sudo DOCKER_BRIDGE=someother weave launch

In the event that weaveDNS is launched in this way, it’s important that other calls to weave also specify the bridge device:

$ sudo DOCKER_BRIDGE=someother weave attach ...

See Also