Weave Net

Using Automatic Discovery With the Weave Net Proxy

Containers launched via the proxy use weaveDNS automatically if it is running when they are started - see the weaveDNS usage section for an in depth explanation of the behaviour and how to control it.

Typically, the proxy passes on container names as-is to weaveDNS for registration. However, there are situations in which the final container name may be out of your control (for example, if you are using Docker orchestrators which append control/namespacing identifiers to the original container names).

For those situations, the proxy provides the following flags:

When launching a container, the hostname is initialized to the value of the container label using key <labelkey>. If no <labelkey> was provided, then the container name is used.

Additionally, the hostname is matched against a regular expression <regexp> and based on that match, <replacement> is used to obtain the final hostname, and then handed over to weaveDNS for registration.

For example, you can launch the proxy using all three flags, as follows:

host1$ weave launch --hostname-from-label hostname-label --hostname-match '^aws-[0-9]+-(.*)$' --hostname-replacement 'my-app-$1'
host1$ eval $(weave env)

Note: regexp substitution groups must be pre-pended with a dollar sign (for example, $1). For further details on the regular expression syntax see Google’s re2 documentation.

After launching the Weave Net proxy with these flags, running a container named aws-12798186823-foo without labels results in weaveDNS registering the hostname my-app-foo and not aws-12798186823-foo.

host1$ docker run -ti --name=aws-12798186823-foo alpine:latest ping my-app-foo
PING my-app-foo.weave.local ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from my-app-foo.weave.local ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.027 ms
64 bytes from my-app-foo.weave.local ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.067 ms

Also, running a container named foo with the label hostname-label=aws-12798186823-foo leads to the same hostname registration.

host1$ docker run -ti --name=foo --label=hostname-label=aws-12798186823-foo alpine:latest ping my-app-foo
PING my-app-foo.weave.local ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from my-app-foo.weave.local ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.031 ms
64 bytes from my-app-foo.weave.local ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.042 ms

This is because, as explained above, if providing --hostname-from-label to the proxy, the specified label takes precedence over the container’s name.

See Also