Weave Net

Interactive Deployment

Weave Net can be launched interactively on the command line, and as long as Docker is configured to start on boot, the network will survive host reboots without the use of a systemd. However, since launching Weave Net commands in interactive mode is not amenable to automation and configuration management, it is recommended that deploying Weave Net in this mode be reserved for exploration and evaluation only.


On the initial peer:

weave launch

Adding a Peer

On the new peer:

weave launch <extant peers>


To ensure that the new peer has joined the existing network, execute the following:

weave prime

Before adding any new peers, you must wait for this to complete. If this command waits and does not exit, it means that there is some issue (such as a network partition or failed peers) that is preventing a quorum from being reached - you will need to address that before moving on.

Stopping a Peer

A peer can be stopped temporarily with the following command:

weave stop

A temporarily stopped peer will remember IP address allocation information on the next weave launch but will forget any discovered peers or modifications to the initial peer list that were made with weave connect or weave forget. Note that if the host reboots, Docker automatically restarts the peer.

Removing a Peer

On the peer to be removed:

weave reset

Then optionally on each remaining peer:

weave forget <removed peer>

This step is not mandatory, but it will eliminate log noise and spurious network traffic by stopping reconnection attempts and preventing further connection attempts after a restart.