Weave Net



An autoscaling configuration begins with a fixed cluster:

Building on this foundation, arbitrary numbers of dynamic peers can be added or removed concurrently as desired, without requiring any changes to the configuration of the fixed cluster. As with the fixed cluster, dynamically added nodes recover automatically from reboots and partitions.

Scaling Out

On the additional dynamic peer, at boot, via systemd or equivalent:

weave launch --no-restart --ipalloc-init=observer $PEERS


You do not have to keep track of and specify the addresses of other dynamic peers in $PEERS - they will discover and connect to each other via the fixed cluster.

Note: The use of --ipalloc-init=observer prevents dynamic peers from coming to a consensus on their own - this is important to stop a clique forming amongst a group of dynamically added peers if they become partitioned from the fixed cluster after having learned about each other via discovery.

Scaling In

On the dynamic peer to be removed:

weave reset

If for any reason you cannot arrange for weave reset to be run on the peer before the underlying host is destroyed (for example when using spot instances that can be destroyed without notice), you will need an asynchronous process to reclaim lost IP address space.